Fielding Fundamentals/Catching Criteria


Apprehensive w/ grounders; ~75%+ error rate. Struggles greatly with fly balls & catching generally.


Less apprehensive of grounders; >50% error rate. Struggles with fly balls & catching generally.


Moves to grounders, attempts to get in front of it; <50% error rate. Moves to fly balls, misjudges them. Inconsistent with catches on thrown balls.


Moderately aggressive to grounders, head down; <33% error rate. Moves to fly balls, has chance to catch them. Somewhat consistent with catching thrown ball.


Aggressive to grounder; head down; <33% error rate. Aggressive to fly ball, catches a couple. Consistent with catching thrown ball.


Very aggressive to grounder; total body control through play; <25% error rate. Aggressive to fly ball, catches ~1/2 of catchable balls.


Takes great angle to grounder; handles difficult plays somewhat well; <25% error rate. Good line to fly ball, catches majority of catchable balls.


Takes great angle to grounder; handles difficult plays very well; ~1 error in eval. Good line to fly ball, fwd momentum into the catch, catches nearly all catchable balls.


Takes great angle to ball; handles difficult play with relative ease; should not commit error in eval. Reads fly ball excellently off bat, fwd momentum into catch, no mishandled fly balls.

  • Legs bent

  • Back flat

  • Arms extended out from body

  • Head down

  • At best, quick transfer and throw